Taxi price in Rovaniemi is always known in advance

Ride with us and you always know the price of a taxi in advance – and you will avoid unpleasant surprises!

We have sealed taximeters in our cars but you can also ask fixed prices from our sales.

Rovaniemi taxi prices valid since 2.12.2021

Base fee


  • 24h every day
  • 1-4 person orders 7,90€
  • 5-8 person orders 11,90€
  • Charge per minute 0,80€


Travel fee


  • 1-4 persons 1,40€/km
  • 5-8 persons 1,96€/km



How to pay


  • We accept the most common credit and debit cards. Also AmericanExpress and DinersClub!



Our taxi order numbers, like all our other numbers, are priced at normal local call charges! No extra charges per minute or per call. There might be a roaming fee if you call outside of Finland.

The price list is valid for taxi transportation ordered through us. The same prices apply when you hop on a taxi stand, airport or train station for example.

Taxi base fee

The taxi fare depends on the number of people picked up at the departure point. The basic fee is valid 24/7 every day of the year.

Base fee for 1-4 people is always 7,90 € and for 5-8 people 11,90 €. *In case of parcel delivery, the departure fee is 7,90 €, unless otherwise agreed.

The base fee can be turned on when the car arrives at the ordering address or when the customer gets up from a taxi stand, for example. An exception is pre-ordering, where the charge begins at the latest when the pre-order time is full.

Surcharge fee

A freight charge of € 5,00 is charged on animals or large items in taxi transport. For example, skis, big furniture, big instruments (eg drums, cello). There is no extra charge for standard luggage!

*VAT is 24% on parcel shipping.

For fixed-price shipments, please contact our sales for a quote.

If you have anyquestions about taxi fares, you can email us and ask for more information. We will reply as soon as possible!

Taxi price in Rovaniemi
You can also ask us for fixed-price transportation – without taxi sign and tags

J.Kantola is a Rovaniemi-based taxi and transportation company. With our  trained and professional drivers, you can always travel safely and on time!



Sales for businesses and private transfers
+358 10 338 9890
weekdays 9:00-16:00

Direct number to taxi
+358 10 338 9898


Näätäpolku 42,
96900 Rovaniemi


Ask for a quotation


Time and date*

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